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Webinar: Promoting and Implementing the #NationalDialogue in My Diocese


The National Dialogue is a three-phase series of conversations within the Catholic Church about the future of youth and young adult ministries within the Church. The Dialogue—a collaborative effort sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, the National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana, and Catholic Campus Ministry Association—has three goals:

  • Unify the Church in matters related to youth and young adult ministries;
  • Engage with and listen to young people in the Church; and
  • Implement of the Fifth National Encuentro and the Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment.

Now, Phase Two of the conversation is coming up, and you are invited to participate in the webinar. As a diocesan director of youth, young adult, Pastoral Juvenil, and/or campus ministry, how do you promote and implement this phase in your diocese with everything else that you have to do? How do you motivate and support parish, school, and campus leaders to incorporate these conversations in their ministry?

Join the conversation with presenters:

  • Don Boucher, Director of the Office of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Davenport and Co-Chair of the National Dialogue Core Team;
  • Greg Coogan, Director of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministry for the Diocese of Camden; and
  • Kathy Goller, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Buffalo.

The webinar, “Promoting and Implementing the National Dialogue Conversations in My Diocese,” will take place January 31 starting at 2 p.m.

Register here:


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